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Monday, 3 October 2011

Amanda Knox

Amanda Knox came to Perugia in October 2007 to spend a semester abroad studying languages and learning about Italian culture. She was arrested for the murder of her roommate in November 2007, and officially charged nearly a year later. In December 2009, she was convicted and sentenced to 26 years in prison.
  • Amanda Knox was acquitted today of a murder that riveted three countries for the past four years and just hours later was whisked away from an Italian prison, ending her four-year ordeal
  • The Seattle woman's legs buckled and she let out a silent cry when the judge in Perugia, Italy, announced that the  appeals court had thrown out her conviction for the murder of her British roommate Meredith Kercher and vacated her 26-year prison sentence.
  • Knox, 24,  was hustled out of the courtroom, barely able to walk, stumbling while being hauled along by court officers. The former exchange student was crying and doubled over, her head occasionally coming up for big breaths of air.
  • Hours later, a pair of black vehicles slid out of the gates of Capanne Prison outside of Perugia, with Knox in the back seat. She is expected to return to home to Seattle immediately.

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